3rd Asean Conference On Psychology, Counseling & Humanities





Dr. Latipun


Work Stress Effect on The Creativity of Employees Moderated by Emotional Intelligence

Edo Fredyan

01 – 06

The Effect of Neuroticism Personality Towards Agression Moderated by Self Control

Eka Apristian Pantu

07 - 11

The Relationship Between Big Five Dimension With Psychological Well-Being in Java Community in Solo

Fachrudiana Ermawat

12 - 15

The Influence of P Brand Image To The Buying Interest Moderated by Extrovert Personality Type

Gesit Ikrar Negarawan

16 - 19

Relationship Between Attachment To Parents With Autonomy of Adolescences

Hetti Kurniawati

20 – 24

The Correlation Between Agreeableness Personality and Positive Relationship in Adat Kedatuan Bayan Community

Intan Rahayu

25 - 29

The Effect of Internet Use Intensity Mediated by Neuroticsm on Impulsive Buying by Teenage Women

Kurnia Tri Agustin

30 – 35

Family Support and Achievement Motivation Moderated by Friendship as Observed from Accounting Students At University of Merdeka Malang

Lurdes Antonina Dos Santos Beni

36 – 41

The Effects of Anonymity, Psychological Needs and Cyber Victimization Toward Cyberbullying Behavior Among Adolescents in Cirebon City

Muhammad Azka Maulana

42 – 51

Character Strengths and Subjective Well-Being in Bugis Students: Moderated by Social Support

Muh. Jidan Ananta

52 – 56

Student School Satisfaction and Academic Stress

Navy Tri Indah Sari

57 – 61

Corelation Between Peer Attachment and Psychologycal Wellbeing (PWB) on The Student Victim of Divorce

Novita Ardiana

62 – 67

Decision Making Styles and Academic Procrastination of Undergraduate Students

Rizky Putra Santosa

68 – 73

The Effect of Self Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Interest in Students of SMKN 1 Pamekasan


74 – 79

The Influence of Agreeableness Personality in Psychological Well Being of Chinese Ethnic Traders in the Market Environment

Triastin Noer Aini

80 - 83

The Influence of Locus of Control against Resilience on Adolescent Victims of Divorce

Triastin Noer Aini

84 – 88

The Relationship Between Social Support With Subjective Well-Being in 11th Grade Student of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo

Umi Habibah

89 - 91

The Relations Between Gratitude and Happiness Among Students of Divorce Victims at SMA PGRI Purwoharjo

Yudha Permana

92 – 96

The Effect of Attachment Style on Adolescent’s Conflict Resolution Manner

Zaimah Dwita Arum Primasari Sutiyo

97 - 103

The Relationship between Self-Adjustment and Self-Control Behavior Deliquency Themselves with High School Students Muhammadiyah 1 Jombang

Haryanti Tri Darmi Titisari

104 - 110

Relationship Between Self Esteem and Peer Relation in Adolescent with Divorced Parents: Shyness as Moderator

Siti Yuni Lestari

111 - 116

Harmony Effect Of Family And Self-Control On Aggressive Behavior In Adolescent


117- 120

The Effect Of Transformation Leadership To Workcollective Technology In The Study Of Meaningful Moderation Work Of The Members Of The Police Force In Malang City

Dewo Agung Nugroho Naro S

121- 126

Self Regulated Learning and Truancy in Junior High School

Ikhwansyah Novrizal

127- 132

Moderation gratitude to the relationship of flow experience to the psychological well being of employees in the workplace

Moh. Iqbal Sawong Nalar

133 - 136